Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Does it work?

So I reread the first item in my last post: - Teenagers are moody, obstinate and vague. Most every teenager I know is this way: Cameron, Amber, most of the youth at church... - Haley acts like a teenager, and she's five. And that got me thinking about those logic questions they gave us on old acheivement tests when we were in school. You know the ones where they give you three statements and you have to answer whether it is true or false. For example: All pleems are gurums. All gurums are bobooks. All pleems are bobooks. The answer is true. Or: Some sunnahs are toubleenas. All caams are toubleenas. All sunnahs are caams. The answer is false. Anyway, I began to wonder if these method could really work in real life. Go with me here... Teenagers are moody. Haley is moody. Haley is a teenager. (See, it works!) Exercise burns calories. Sex burns calories. Sex is exercise. (They say you should exercise at least five days a week.) Talking can be annoying. Women always want to talk it out. Women are annoying. (Except you, Kelsee. I love to hear you talk.) Contractors make promises. Promises are made to be broken. Contractors should be broken. (Still waiting on my mulch from last spring.) Men are simple. Occam's Razor says the correct explanation is usually the simplest. Men are usually correct. (A truer statement I've never heard.) Computers are heavy. Paperweights are heavy. Computers are paperweights. (I must be a paperweight, too.) Buildings can be tall and square with no personality. Kally's Kris is tall and square with no personality. Kally's Kris is a building. (I'm kidding Kris. I'm kidding. You da man! Um, are you playing ball on Wednesday? Just curious.) Buildings can be short and round with loads of personality. Baby Blake is short and round with loads of personality. Baby Blake is a building. (A really small building.) I have no idea where this is heading. Aren't you glad you wasted so much time to read this. Glad I could help contribute to the declining efficiency of America's workforce!


Kris and Kally said...

I LOVED this one too! ehehehe! You're a nut! You should have your own section in a newspaper or something! Even if I were the only person in the world to read it, it would still be worth it!

Kris and Kally said...

Just read this to Kris and he thinks you should be a columnist! I agree! Or a paperweight...